夜读Norman Marks的新书《World-Class Internal Audit》,里面有篇故事提到他刚做审计时带队一个项目,底稿做得很好,却被合伙人批评了。因为相对于审计目标而言,底稿做得太好了,不值得花这么多时间和人力,是浪费。在文中,Norman根据他数十年的内审经验列出了他认为底稿不需要太过认真的理由(相对于外部审计而言)。(我摘录了部分附在文末)
某总认为太粗放了,很不正规,要求每个风险点都要单独一张excel tab,按规定格式写清楚风险点的描述,发生地点,频率,总体大小,样本量,选择这么多样本量的理由,选择样本量的方法,等等一大堆。有搞过SOX的同事一看就叫,这就是搞SOX测试的那种底稿嘛。推行的结果,是现场审计时,大家差不多三分之一到一半的时间忙于填底稿,专注的不再是风险、流程、目标、成本效益了。准确的说,某总把外审做SOX测试的那一套完全照搬到所有内部审计的项目了(不知道他是不是照抄的哪家四大的。底稿总工程出身,对四大无比仰视,对出身于四大的手下却又极尽刁难。想想似乎有些变态)。审计质量的下滑,从每份审计报告的审计发现的数量和质量就可以看出来,可惜某总专业能力也不行,质量下滑也不自知。最终混了两年后,天怒人怨,灰溜溜走人。
This experience led meto question the value of workpapers when I became a chief audit executive.While there is a clear need to document the work done as an external auditor(for protection in the event of litigation),the same need is not necessarily present for the internal auditor.
The work of internal auditors is not reviewed by examiners or regulators,while external auditors’work is
The opnion of the internal auditors,with the exception of government and similar environments,is for internal use only
Internal auditors are rarely sued,whereas the external auditors may be sued by investors who rely on their published audit opinion
While the International Standards for the Professional Practice of internal auditing require that there be evidence to support the internal auditor’s assessment,they don’t mandate working papers in the same way that external auditor standards do
There is value in working papers:
If findings are disputed,the working papers provide evidence in their support.However,the facts behind audit findings are not often disputed;the debate with management,if there is one,is usually how to interpret the findings and assess the risk they represent
Working papers are necessary if litigation is anticipated,such as in the case of a fraud investigation.This points to a need for working papers for investigations,but not for all internal audits
Working papers enable a manager or supervisor review.However,most internal audit departments document in more detail than required for a manager to confirm the audit was completed to an appropriate level of quality.I prefer to review an audit by talking to the audit team,not by reviewing working papers
Sometimes,reliance is placed on internal audit work by the external auditors.In those cases,documentation to a level agreed with the external auditors is required
Sometimes,regulators or examiners(such as in banking or insurance)review internal audit works as part of their examination of the company.Working papers to agreed-upon standards are necessary.
The key is to find a balance between the value of an audit engagement’s working papers and the cost of creating them.(By the way,the cost of creating excessive working papers is not just the dollar cost of the staff and manager time.It is the opportunity cost:the opportunity to use those hours for another audit)